If you are competent and can make and communicate medical treatment decisions, your current wishes take priority over both your healthcare agent's wishes and any written or recorded expressions of your medical treatment goals, preferences and priorities. Just because you've signed an advance care plan or some other document like an advance medical directive doesn't mean you lose your right to decide on treatment when a situation arises - as long as you can express what you want and can understand the treatment choices, your current wishes are the most important. In most jurisdictions, if you can't make and communicate treatment wishes, or if a court declares you to be incompetent, your advance care plan normally takes priority over your healthcare agent's wishes as long as your care plan is clear about your goals, preferences and priorities. In some jurisdictions, you can expressly state that you want your healthcare agent's decision to carry more weight. Since it's hard to anticipate every circumstance when you record your treatment preferences and priorities, it's important to talk with your healthcare agent about your wishes in advance. And don't forget, you can change your digital advance care plan at any time.